This afternoon two team's from Year 3 and 4 traveled to the Ormiston Bushfield Academy to participate in the Year 3/4 Orton Tag Rugby Tournament. Once we arrived the competition began outside before moving inside once we were caught in the heavy rain.
Despite the weather, and getting very wet, all of the children worked brilliantly and managed to apply the skills that we have been working in during our PE lessons this half term. Every one of the children showed courage, determination and exceptional sportsmanship as they competed against Orton St John's, Ormiston Meadows Academy and Orton Wistow Primary Schools.
After all of the matches our B team (wearing dark purple) finished in 5th place, while our A team (wearing purple and grey) managed to finish in an incredible 1st place. The children made all of the adults proud and were outstanding role models for our school.